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Pages on: Matthew 27

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Managing “Over-Cites”: Learning from Evangelical Treatments of Faulty New Testament Citations of the Old TestamentWes Gristy5.27
Matthew 27Bob Utley4.23
32. The Day Christ Died (Matthew 27:32-61)Bob Deffinbaugh3.18
"To the Jew First": The New Testament and Anti-SemitismDaniel B. Wallace3
The Textual Problem Of "οὐδὲ ὁ υἱός" In Matthew 24:36Charles Powell2.11
5. Jesus on Trial and Peter’s Denial (Matthew 26:57-27:26; Mark 14:53-15:15; Luke 22:54-23:25; John 18:12-19:16)Jodi Hooper2.09
John - Chapter 19Kenneth Boa2
Innovations in the Text and Translation of the NET Bible, New TestamentDaniel B. Wallace2
4. Jesus and Death and Burial (Matthew 27:45-61; Mark 15:33-47; Luke 23:44-56; John 19:28-42)Jodi Hooper1.58
Reversing Talionic Ethics: Personal Ethics for the Public Square (Matthew 5:38-42)James Davis1.53
1. The Crucifixion (Matthew 27:27-44; Mark 15:16-32; Luke 23:26-43; John 19:16-27)Jodi Hooper1.36
Chronology & Synopsis of the Passion WeekPeter L. Smith1.29
42. Jesus Before Pilate: Part I (John 18:28-38)Bob Deffinbaugh1.17
24. The Great Debate: Death and Taxes (Matthew 22:15-33)Bob Deffinbaugh1.08
13. Similarities among John's Gospel and the Synoptic GospelsJames M. Arlandson1.05
20. The Reign Of ChristJohn F. Walvoord1.03
3. Księgi historyczneJ. Hampton Keathley, III1.03
4. Futurist Posttribulational InterpretationJohn F. Walvoord1.03
3. The Historical Books of the New TestamentJ. Hampton Keathley, III1.03
Week 12: Matthew 26:47–28:20; Mark 14:43–16:20; Luke 22:47–24:53; John 18:40–21:25David Colburn1.02
Introduction to MatthewBob Utley1.02
40. Jesus, Lord at Thy Death (John 18:1-11)Bob Deffinbaugh1.02
3. The BibleBob Utley1.02
Introduction: The Parallel Gospels In Chronological OrderDavid Colburn1
Εἰ μή Clauses in the NT: Interpretation and TranslationMultiple Authors1
The Passion of the Christ - What will my Muslim Friends think of it?admin1
7. What is the Q 'Gospel'? The Gospel According to 'St Q'?James M. Arlandson1
Introduction to an Exegetical and Patristic Examination of Matthew 16:18Brittany C. Burnette1
Jesus as Θεός (God): A Textual ExaminationBrian J. Wright1
A Mishnaic Commentary on Matthew 26.29 and 39Daniel B. Wallace1
Week 5: Matthew 8:14–10:42; 13 Mark 4–5; Luke 8:1-18; 22-56David Colburn1
Les sept dernières paroles de JésusBernard Guy1
1. The Exegetical Examination of Matthew 16:18Brittany C. Burnette1
1 TimothyDavid Colburn1
15. The Reluctant “Fool” (2 Corinthians 11:16-29)Bob Deffinbaugh1
15. The Passion WeekDarrell L. Bock1
Appendix 5: Textual CriticismBob Utley1
Bibliography for an Exegetical and Patristic Examination of Matthew 16:18Brittany C. Burnette1
Appendix Two: Textual CriticismBob Utley1
Appendix Two -- Textual CriticismBob Utley1
6. Additional Considerations on the Exegesis of Matt 16:18Brittany C. Burnette1
Chapter 2: Fasting In The New Testament: Remembrance And Anticipation In The Messianic AgeKent Berghuis1
12. Passion Week: Thursday - SaturdayDave Dawson0.97
6. Good FridayMargaret Carey0.83
Appendix: An Introduction To Dispensational TeachingEmery Nester0.76
38. The Death of DeathsBob Deffinbaugh0.76
Isaiah 53 (52:13-53:12)Bob Utley0.55
4. The Earthly Life of the Incarnate ChristJohn F. Walvoord0.55
8. Christ in His Suffering and DeathJohn F. Walvoord0.53
Luke 23Bob Utley0.47
Mark 15Bob Utley0.47
John 19Bob Utley0.42
6. Why the Messiah CameMatthew Finlay0.41
Sharing the Message of the Crossadmin0.35
Sharing the Message of the Crossadmin0.35
74. The Rejection of Israel's Messiah - Part IV (Luke 23:26-49)Bob Deffinbaugh0.33
The Miracles of CalvaryJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.32
Messianic PropheciesJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.3
26. Wisdom Literature: The Psalms, Part IIBob Deffinbaugh0.29
39. The Burial and Resurrection of ChristBob Deffinbaugh0.29
2. Hope in the Gospels (Matthew 4:18—5:16)Bob Deffinbaugh0.27
31. Judas (John 13:18-30)Bob Deffinbaugh0.24
10. Popularity, Persecution, and Divine Deliverance (Acts 5:12-42)Bob Deffinbaugh0.23
The Resurrection: Here We StandRoger Pascoe0.23
43. Jesus Before Pilate: Part II (John 18:28-19:16)Bob Deffinbaugh0.23
Revelation 6-7David Colburn0.18
III. How We Got the BibleKenneth Boa0.18
4. Nature's Part in God's Perfect Plan (Psalm 19; Romans 8:18-25; Isaiah 65:17-25)Bob Deffinbaugh0.18
Psalm 22Bob Utley0.18
Matthew 26Bob Utley0.18
30. Jesus Arrested, Mankind on Trial (Matthew 26:30-75)Bob Deffinbaugh0.18
2. The Six Main Points of the GospelEmery Nester0.18
The Greek Article With Proper Names In Matthew: Traditional Grammar And Discourse PerspectivesSteve Janssen0.17
3. Christology: Jesus ChristGreg Herrick0.15
10. Jesus Appears on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)Jodi Hooper0.15
3. Hope and the Resurrection (Luke 24)Bob Deffinbaugh0.15
Mark 14Bob Utley0.15
3. Christology: Jesus ChristGreg Herrick0.15
The ParticipleDaniel B. Wallace0.14
Acts 1Bob Utley0.14
17. The First Gentile Church (Acts 11:19-12:25)Bob Deffinbaugh0.14
JudasGeorge E. Meisinger0.14
45. The Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ (John 19:38-20:9)Bob Deffinbaugh0.14
5. What Must One Do To Be Saved? (Acts 2:37-41)Bob Deffinbaugh0.12
The Historical Veracity of the Resurrection NarrativesGreg Herrick0.12
30. A Refresher Course on the Resurrection of the Dead (1 Cor. 15)Bob Deffinbaugh0.12
15. Taking a Second Look at Submission (1 Peter 2:13-3:7)Bob Deffinbaugh0.12
2. Preparation for Pentecost (Acts 1:1-26)Bob Deffinbaugh0.12
Zechariah 11Bob Utley0.12
1: Unfaithful Israel (Hosea 3:1-5)Richard D. Patterson0.12
7. He Died?Margaret Carey0.12
An Examination Of Open TheismGregg Cantelmo0.11
22. Exegetical Commentary on John 19W. Hall Harris III0.11
The Roman Military in the New TestamentJohn Hopkins0.11
44. The Crucifixion (John 19:17-37)Bob Deffinbaugh0.11
5. Zechariah - Part 3 Oracle Concerning YHWH’s Sovereignty (9:1-11:17)Eugene H. Merrill0.11
Lesson 1: Look Who's TalkingBob Deffinbaugh0.11
5. The Holiness of GodBob Deffinbaugh0.11
Redeeming the Da Vinci Codeadmin0.11
3. The Use Of Three In The BibleRichard D. Patterson0.09
Easter Story Cookies0.09
What’s the Evidence for the Resurrection? Mark Austin0.09
5. The Perseverance of Christ (Hebrews 5:7-8; 12:1-3) Tracie Wallace0.09
Evidences for the ResurrectionJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.09
The Synoptic ProblemDaniel B. Wallace0.09
Masalah SinoptikDaniel B. Wallace0.09
B3. The Incarnation of the Son of GodJohn F. Walvoord0.09
Wealthy People in the New Testamentadmin0.09
6. The Glory of God in the Passion of Jesus ChristBob Deffinbaugh0.09
Special Christmas Visitors In BethlehemRichard D. Patterson0.08
When a believer dies and go to heaven will we either know or recognize our loved ones that went to be with the Lord before us?Bob Deffinbaugh0.08
3. The Uniqueness of JesusMultiple Authors0.08
Prove evidenti della RisurrezioneJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.08
6. The Place of Blessing in God’s Perfect PlanBob Deffinbaugh0.08
Bible Literacy QuizSue Bohlin0.08
John 20Bob Utley0.08
46. The Resurrection of Jesus ChristBob Deffinbaugh0.08
36. Who Killed Jesus, The Messiah? Part I (John 18:1-27)Bob Deffinbaugh0.08
25. The Life and Times of Elisha the Prophet— Grave Matters Or Runaway Corpse (2 Kings 13:1-25)Bob Deffinbaugh0.08
26. Littérature de Sagesse, les Psaumes, 2ème PartieBob Deffinbaugh0.08
Matthew 8Bob Utley0.08
27. The Crucifixion of JesusJohn F. Walvoord0.08
6. Why People Follow Jesus, Part IV (Because He Has All Authority)Bob Deffinbaugh0.08
18. CHRIST and the CROSS: The Promised Redeemer, Part 2Melanie Newton0.08
4. Peter's Sermon at Pentecost (Acts 2:14-36)Bob Deffinbaugh0.08
Matthew 4Bob Utley0.08
35. The Christian and the World (John 15:18-16:11)Bob Deffinbaugh0.08
2. Words and Works: Practical Piety James 2:1-26Bob Deffinbaugh0.08
2. A Look at the Book (Romans 1:1-17)Bob Deffinbaugh0.08
1. The Unique Contribution of the Book of ActsBob Deffinbaugh0.08
3. Pentecost (Acts 2:1-13)Bob Deffinbaugh0.08
73. The Rejection of Israel's Messiah - Part III (Luke 23:26-49)Bob Deffinbaugh0.08
The Messianic Banquet and the Eschatology of MatthewDaniel S. Steffen0.08
24. The Only Road to Righteousness (Romans 10:1-13)Bob Deffinbaugh0.08
Were the three days and three nights that Jesus was in the grave a full 72 hours?admin0.08
75. Dealing with the Death of Jesus (Luke 23:40-24:35)Bob Deffinbaugh0.08
35. The Great Commission, Part II The Sovereignty of God and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20)Bob Deffinbaugh0.08
Where Was Jesus' Spirit When His Body Was in the Tomb?Charles T. Buntin0.08
Mark 16Bob Utley0.08
67. Preparations for the Passion of Christ (Luke 21:37-22:6)Bob Deffinbaugh0.08
24. Ministry, Money and Women (Luke 8:1-3)Bob Deffinbaugh0.06
Sharp Redivivus? - A Reexamination of the Granville Sharp RuleDaniel B. Wallace0.06
72. The Rejection of Israel's Messiah - Part II (Luke 23:1-25)Bob Deffinbaugh0.06
Matthew 14Bob Utley0.06
An Introduction to the Book of ZechariahDavid Malick0.06
John 18Bob Utley0.06
3.7. The Stewardship of God’s Truth Through Evangelism (Part 4)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.06
1 Thessalonians 4Bob Utley0.06
22. The High Calling of Wife and Mother in Biblical PerspectiveDorothy Patterson0.06
37. Who Killed Jesus, The Messiah? Part 2 (John 18:28-19:16)Bob Deffinbaugh0.06
False Theories Against the Resurrection of ChristJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.06
29. The Greeks Seek Jesus (John 12:20-50)Bob Deffinbaugh0.06
Accounts of People Raised from the Deadadmin0.06
Common Assaults on the GospelJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.06
7. Truth or Consequences (Acts 4:1-31)Bob Deffinbaugh0.05
Lesson 17: When Repentance Becomes Impossible (Hebrews 6:4-8)Steven J. Cole0.05
Death and AfterwardLehman Strauss0.05
Matthew 1Bob Utley0.05
Matthew 20Bob Utley0.05
9. Elijah: God's Humble Prophet 3: The God Who Loves Me As I AmMelanie Newton0.05
Lesson 23: Is Christianity Merely Psychological? (1 John 5:6-13)Steven J. Cole0.05
What would the term "Son of God" have meant to a 1st Century, pious Jew?admin0.05
Matthew 28Bob Utley0.05
The Judgments - (Past, Present, and Future)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
5. The Poetical BooksJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
1 Corinthians 5Bob Utley0.05
3. Why Believe the Bible?John F. Walvoord0.05
God's Christmas TreeJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.05
4. A Hell to ShunBob Deffinbaugh0.05
Matthew 2Bob Utley0.03
Hebrews 9Bob Utley0.03
Luke 20Bob Utley0.03
26. The Evangelization of Thessalonica and Berea (Acts 17:1-15)Bob Deffinbaugh0.03
8. The Comfort of His Coming (4:13-18)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.03
9. Authoritative Testimony in Matthew’s GospelJames M. Arlandson0.03
3. Prayer in the New TestamentRobert Hill0.03
8. The Empty TombMargaret Carey0.03
2 Corinthians 5Bob Utley0.03
3. Los Libros HistóricosJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.03
20. James: Introduction, Outline, and ArgumentDaniel B. Wallace0.03
2. The Church as God’s Dwelling PlaceBob Deffinbaugh0.03
28. Saul’s Death Wish (1 Samuel 31)Bob Deffinbaugh0.03
Jonah 1Bob Utley0.03
A Review of 'The Blessed Hope' by George E. LaddJohn F. Walvoord0.03
Does Jesus in fact say that He is God’s Son, not just infer it?admin0.03
4. Dua KebangkitanLehman Strauss0.03
Psalm 22: The Sufferings And Glory Of ChristSteven J. Cole0.03
21. Exegetical Commentary on John 18W. Hall Harris III0.03
Pelayanan, Uang dan Wanita (Lukas 8:1-3)Bob Deffinbaugh0.03
Matthew 16Bob Utley0.03
21. The Leader and Suffering (1 Peter 5:1-7)Bob Deffinbaugh0.03
16. The Window, the Rope, and the Basket: Boasting in Our Weakness (2 Cor. 11:30-12:10)Bob Deffinbaugh0.03
Matthew 5Bob Utley0.03
4. The Two ResurrectionsLehman Strauss0.03
2. Suffering: Victim or Victor? (1 Peter 1:1-6a)Bob Deffinbaugh0.03
The Doctrine of Rewards: The Judgment Seat (Bema) of ChristJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.03
Acts 16Bob Utley0.03
6. The Cleansing of the Temple (John 2:12-22)Bob Deffinbaugh0.03
Acts 9Bob Utley0.03
12. The Time Of The EndJohn F. Walvoord0.03
Luke 24Bob Utley0.03
Matthew 22Bob Utley0.03
Revelation 10-11Bob Utley0.03
The Meaning Of ἁρπαγμός In Philippians 2:6 - An Overlooked Datum For Functional Inequality Within The GodheadDennis Ray Burk Jr.0.03
8. The Commencement of Jesus’ Ministry (Matthew 4:12-25)Bob Deffinbaugh0.03
“Whom He Also Named Apostles”: A Textual and Narrative-Critical Solution to Mark 3.14Christopher W. Skinner0.03
Acts 3Bob Utley0.03
Are you familiar with Norman Willis' claim that the NT may have been written in Hebrew instead of Greek? [An email from Norman Willis included in original question.]admin0.03
11. The Garden Tomb—Contemplating The Resurrection Of JesusWayne Stiles0.03
8. The Comforting Hope of 1 Thessalonians 4John F. Walvoord0.03
16. Holiness: The False and the True (Leviticus 21 and 22)Bob Deffinbaugh0.03
John 16Bob Utley0.03
Hebrews 10Bob Utley0.03
6. The New Testament Church—The Role of WomenBob Deffinbaugh0.03
18. A New Slant on Suffering (1 Peter 3:13-4:6)Bob Deffinbaugh0.03
John 7Bob Utley0.03
19. Walking in the Light (Ephesians 5:7-14)Bob Deffinbaugh0.03
NET Bible Reader's Edition - Glossary of Termsadmin0.03
1 Corinthians 15Bob Utley0.03
41. Did Jesus Take the Fifth Amendment? (John 18:12-27)Bob Deffinbaugh0.03
Acts 18Bob Utley0.03
Can you clear up the alleged contradiction between the passages in which Jesus said He would not drink the fruit of the vine until the kingdom and the tasting of sour wine on the cross?admin0.03
Errors in the Greek Text Behind Modern Translations? The Cases of Matthew 1:7, 10 and Luke 23:45Daniel B. Wallace0.03
16. La Sainteté : La Bonne et la Mauvaise (Lévitique 21 et 22)Bob Deffinbaugh0.03
Psalm 3: When Life Falls ApartSteven J. Cole0.03
1.8. Assurance of Eternal RewardsJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
21. The New Heaven And The New EarthJohn F. Walvoord0.02
Revelation 2-3Bob Utley0.02
6. The Righteousness of GodBob Deffinbaugh0.02
The Shroud of Turin and the Resurrection of ChristJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
4. Saat MembutuhkanLehman Strauss0.02
Luke 2Bob Utley0.02
Leaders on the Business End of Discipline: Answers to Some QuestionsDaniel B. Wallace0.02
12. The First Martyr -or- Taking God for Granite (Acts 7:1-60)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Revelation 12:11admin0.02
至死不渝Richard D. Patterson0.02
10. The Temptation of Jesus Part II (Luke 4:5-8)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Appendix One: Brief Definitions Of Greek Grammatical TermsBob Utley0.02
Daniel 9Bob Utley0.02
7. The Healing of the Lame Man and the Heralding of the Gospel (Acts 3:1-26)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Revisiting the Colwell Construction in Light of Mass/Count NounsDonald Hartley0.02
Acts 13Bob Utley0.02
47. A Proper Perspective of Poverty and Prosperity (Genesis 47:13-31)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
36. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit (John 16:12-33)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Responses to the Revelation of the Coming of the King (Matthew 2:1-12, 16-18)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
17. Jesus and the Law of Retaliation [Lex Talionis] (Matthew 5:38-42)James Davis0.02
19. The Death of James and the Deliverance of Peter (Acts 12:1-25)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
3. Archaeology and John’s Gospel: Is skepticism chic passé?James M. Arlandson0.02
Luke 23:45admin0.02
Psalm 68Bob Utley0.02
10. Good Grief (2 Cor. 7:2-16)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
3. Higher Than the Angels (Hebrews 1:4-14)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
19. The Light of the World (John 8:12-30)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
5. New Testament Repentance: Repentance in the Epistles and RevelationRobert N. Wilkin0.02
Psalm 69Bob Utley0.02
3. The Witness of John (John 1:19-37)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
The Empty TombJohn F. Walvoord0.02
Daniel 12Bob Utley0.02
Romans 2Bob Utley0.02
4. InerrancySid Litke0.02
14. General Exhortations (Philippians 4:1-9)Greg Herrick0.02
Hebrews 4Bob Utley0.02
The Last Seven Words of JesusBernard Guy0.02
Matthew 3Bob Utley0.02
30. Losing Weight (Hebrews 12:1-3)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
8. The Consciousness of the Soul After DeathLehman Strauss0.02
6. Die Reinigung des Tempels (Johannes 2:12-22)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
27. What Is This Thing Called Love? (1 Cor. 13:1-13)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
1. The Holy Spirit in the Hebrew Bible and Its Connections to the New TestamentRichard E. Averbeck0.02
Crucial Introductory Article (Who Do Christians Have So Many Dogmatic Interpretations of Revelation?)Bob Utley0.02
25. The Height of Hypocrisy: Part III (Matthew 23:25-39)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Is soul sleep’ biblical? When we die do we go to heaven immediately or at the second coming?admin0.02
3. Pertobatan dalam Perjanjian Baru: Pertimbangan LexicalRobert N. Wilkin0.02
Introduction to JamesBob Utley0.02
9. The Guilt of Men and the Grace of God (Part 2) (Ephesians 2:11-21)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
The Apostle Peter on Civil Obedience: An Exegesis of 1 Peter 2:13-17Greg Herrick0.02
Matthew 21Bob Utley0.02
Introduction to ZechariahBob Utley0.02
1. The Significance of the PsalmsBob Deffinbaugh0.02
Isaiah 50Bob Utley0.02
39. Evidence that Produced Various Verdicts (Luke 11:14-36)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Luke 16Bob Utley0.02
26. The Raising of Lazarus (John 11:38-53)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Who were the saints that were raised from the dead at Christ’s death?admin0.02
Essay: Death—Swallowed Up in Victory!Melanie Newton0.02
The Call-Answer MotifRichard D. Patterson0.02
12. The Submission of Slaves to Masters (1 Peter 2:18-25)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Appendix 9: The Middle Voice of 1 Corinthians 13:8J. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
Luke 21Bob Utley0.02
21. Jesus the Healer (Luke 7:1-17)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
8. Kesadaran Jiwa Setelah MatiLenny Correll0.02
Jesus and the TwelveScot McKnight0.02
Jeremiah 8Bob Utley0.02
9. The Great Escapes (Acts 5:12-42)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
1 Corinthians 9Bob Utley0.02
Mark 6Bob Utley0.02
15. The Second Coming of Christ and the Millennial KingdomJohn F. Walvoord0.02
11. Growth Pains (Acts 6:1-15)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
13. Like Father, Like Son (John 5:19-30)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
21. The Fatal Failures of Religion: #2 Legalism (Matthew 5:17-48)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Jesus: The Divine XeroxJimmy Williams0.02
Repeating Namesadmin0.02
Isaiah 37Bob Utley0.02
Esther 6Bob Utley0.02
Luke 6:46-49admin0.02
Women Mentoring Women: Qualified for MinistryVickie Kraft0.02
Appendix 4: Brief Definitions Of Greek Grammatical TermsBob Utley0.02
3. Paul’s Circumstances: Perspective, Joy, and Mission in Life—Part I (Philippians 1:12-18a)Greg Herrick0.02
The Significance of the Scribal Corruptions to the New Testament TextDaniel B. Wallace0.02
Profezie MessianicheJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
41. The Ascension (Luke 24:31; Acts 1:1-11)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
We Can Trust the BibleLehman Strauss0.02
7. The Wrath of GodBob Deffinbaugh0.02
1 Corinthians 10Bob Utley0.02
3. Luke: Introduction, Outline, and ArgumentDaniel B. Wallace0.02
24. Dealing with Death (Genesis 23:1-20)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Does the New Testament begin with the book of Acts?admin0.02
Introduction to JeremiahBob Utley0.02
1 Timothy 6Bob Utley0.02
4. The Holy Spirit in Relation to the Person and Work of ChristJohn F. Walvoord0.02
Luke 7Bob Utley0.02
Lesson 9: Knowing God More Deeply (Ephesians 1:15-17)Steven J. Cole0.02
Lesson 8: Discovering ChristGwynne Johnson0.02
Triumphal Entryadmin0.02
Acts 2Bob Utley0.02
12. Men and Women in the Image of GodJohn M. Frame0.02
3. New Testament Repentance: Lexical ConsiderationsRobert N. Wilkin0.02
Faithful To The EndRichard D. Patterson0.02
15. Discipleship: Its Definitions and Dangers (Matthew 23:1-12)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Luke 8Bob Utley0.02
Lesson 17: Lessons in LonelinessVickie Kraft0.02
Lesson 8: Secure in Him (Ephesians 1:13-14)Steven J. Cole0.02
Acts 7Bob Utley0.02
2 Corinthians 7:2-16Bob Utley0.02
4. The Millennial Kingdom and the Eternal StateJohn F. Walvoord0.02
4. In Time of NeedLehman Strauss0.02
Matthew 11Bob Utley0.02
1 Corinthians 11Bob Utley0.02
3. Putting Pentecost in Perspective (Part 2) The Holy Spirit in the Gospels (Acts 2:1-13)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Passionate ReviewTodd Lingren0.02
The Roman Armyadmin0.02
12. Real Repentance (2 Samuel 12:1-13 )Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Ephesians 2Bob Utley0.02
2. The Disciple Has a Passion for the Presence of GodBob Deffinbaugh0.02
Appendix One -- Brief Definitions Of Greek Grammatical TermsBob Utley0.02
Galatians 3Bob Utley0.02
21. Man Opposes; God Disposes (Romans 9:1-13)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Lesson 34: Pleasing God (Hebrews 11:5-6, Genesis 5:21-24)Steven J. Cole0.02
28. The Un-Triumphal Entry (John 12:9-19)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
2. ZechariahEugene H. Merrill0.02
II Peter 3Bob Utley0.02
27. Weapons of the Spiritual Warfare—Truth (Ephesians 6:14a)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Archaeology and the New TestamentPatrick Zukeran0.02
1. NahumRichard D. Patterson0.02
Lesson 10: The Reality of RejectionVickie Kraft0.02
2. In the Garden and the Arrest of Jesus (Matthew 26:36-56; Luke 22:39-46; John 13:21-14:31)Jodi Hooper0.02
10. The Supremacy of the Work of Christ Part 3, The Propagation of Christ’s Work (Col. 1:24-2:3)J. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
23. A Closer Look at Open and Closed Doors (Acts 16:11-40)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Hebrews 13Bob Utley0.02
19. Defining Discipleship (Luke 6:12-26)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
8. Are Women Second Class Citizens? (Part I: Overview)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
14. Protecting the Church's ReputationMelanie Newton0.02
What does the Bible say about cremation?admin0.02
Ezekiel 37Bob Utley0.02
11. La Valeur du Sang (Lévitique 17)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
2 Timothy: "Call to Completion"0.02
1. The Righteous Government of the MillenniumJohn F. Walvoord0.02
I Peter 1:1-2:3Bob Utley0.02
Mark #13: Having Courage and Being an EncouragerJ. Hampton Keathley, III0.02
21. The Meaning of Christian Marriage (Ephesians 5:21-32)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
1. Faith and the Stilling of the Stormadmin0.02
20. A Leper, a Gentile, and a Little Old Lady (Matthew 8:1-17)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
13. Israel’s Covenant Renewal (Deuteronomy)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
The Structure of the Tabernacleadmin0.02
Lesson 29: Putting Your Position into Practice (Hebrews 10:19-25)Steven J. Cole0.02
6. The Necessity of the Incarnation: Why the Son Drew Near to Man – Part II (Hebrews 2:10-18)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
19. Saul Loses His Grip (1 Samuel 22:5-23:14)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Seven Suicides in the Bibleadmin0.02
Acts 6Bob Utley0.02
11. The Preciousness of Blood (Leviticus 17)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
Contemporary Interpretative Problems: — The Resurrection of IsraelJohn F. Walvoord0.02
10. The Woman at the Well (John 4:1-42)Bob Deffinbaugh0.02
How were Matthew, Mark, Luke and John named and can you tell me something about the authors of these books?admin0.02